1) The friendliest way we could design for people to restore their files was to allow customers to sign into a website with a username/password and recover one or more files. This is the default situation.
Reddit Backblaze Review
– Backblaze keeps a backup of several different versions of your files. If you realize that you made an undesirable change to a file, you can quickly revert to a previous version (up to 30 days.
Reddit Backblaze B2
2) You can optionally turn on a 'private encryption key' but if you do that, understand you MUST write down that key because if you lose it, you can never recover it, and Backblaze (nor any government organization) will EVER be able to recover your files. Candybar mac download. NEVER. LOSE THAT PASSWORD AND THEY ARE GONE GONE GONE!
In the case of #2, as long as you don't need to recover from a crash, you don't enter your private encryption key and nobody will ever have access to your files, period. However, if you lose a file, you have to sign into the Backblaze website and provide your passphrase which is ONLY STORED IN RAM for a few seconds and your file is decrypted. Yes, you are now in a 'vulnerable state' until you download then 'delete' the restore at which point you are back to a secure state.
Reddit Backblaze Vs

If you are even more worried about the privacy of your data, we highly recommend you encrypt it EVEN BEFORE BACKBLAZE READS IT on your laptop! Use TrueCrypt. Backblaze backs up the TrueCrypt encrypted bundle having no idea at all what is in it (thank goodness) and you restore the TrueCrypted bundle to yourself later.
Backblaze Hard Drive Test
Backblaze focuses on ease of use. It is backup for people who need backup and 'pretty good security' and who aren't computer professionals. It is not a perfect choice for all users on earth. Adobe writer mac download. Take our default security model - it is about as secure as a Facebook account. Backblaze provides many ways to get your files back whether you lose a single file or millions of files. Free Web Download Sign in from anywhere in the world to restore one file or all your files. Browse your files just like they are organized on your computer and select the files and folders you want.