Atomic Number 83

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Quick definitions from WordNet (Atomic number 83) noun: a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically); usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metals Words similar to atomic number 83 Usage examples for atomic number 83. Definition of atomic number 83 in the dictionary. Meaning of atomic number 83. What does atomic number 83 mean? Information and translations of atomic number 83 in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

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Atomic Number 83

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R. Thomas Sanderson
Professor of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, 1963–78. Author of Simple Inorganic Substances and others.
Alternative Title: Bi

Bismuth (Bi), the most metallic and the least abundant of the elements in the nitrogen group (Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table). Bismuth is hard, brittle, lustrous, and coarsely crystalline. It can be distinguished from all other metals by its colour—gray-white with a reddish tinge.

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Element Properties
atomic number83
atomic weight208.98040
melting point271.3 °C (520.3 °F)
boiling point1,560 °C (2,840 °F)
density9.747 gram/cm3 at 20 °C (68 °F)
oxidation states+3, +5
electron configuration1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d104f145s25p65d106s26p3


Bismuth evidently was known in very early times, since it occurs in the native state as well as in compounds. For a long period, however, it was not clearly recognized as a separate metal, having been confused with such metals as lead, antimony, and tin. Miners during the Middle Ages apparently believed bismuth to be a stage in the development of silver from baser metals and were dismayed when they uncovered a vein of the metal thinking they had interrupted the process. In the 15th-century writings of the German monk Basil Valentine this element is referred to as Wismut, a term that may have been derived from a German phrase meaning “white mass.” In any case it was Latinized to bisemutum by the mineralogist Georgius Agricola, who recognized its distinctive qualities and described how to obtain it from its ores. Bismuth was accepted as a specific metal by the middle of the 18th century, and works on its chemistry were published in 1739 by the German chemist Johann Heinrich Pott and in 1753 by the Frenchman Claude-François Geoffroy.

Occurrence and distribution

Bismuth is about as abundant as silver, contributing about 2 × 10−5 weight percent of Earth’s crust. Its cosmic abundance is estimated as about one atom to every 7,000,000 atoms of silicon. It occurs both native and in compounds. In the native state, it is found in veins associated with lead, zinc, tin, and silver ores in Bolivia, Canada, England, and Germany. Its naturally occurring compounds are chiefly the oxide (bismite or bismuth ochre, Bi2O3), the sulfide (bismuthinite or bismuth glance, Bi2S3), and two carbonates (bismutite, (BiO)2CO3, and bismutosphaerite). Commercial bismuth, however, is produced largely as a by-product in the smelting and refining of lead, tin, copper, silver, and gold ores. Thus, it comes—for example—from tungsten ores in South Korea, lead ores in Mexico, copper ores in Bolivia, and both lead and copper ores in Japan. By the early 21st century, however, China was leading the world in both the mining and the refining of bismuth. Pure bismuth can also be obtained by reducing the oxide with carbon or by roasting the sulfide in the presence of charcoal and metallic iron to remove the sulfur.

Bismuth forms only one stable isotope, that of mass 209. A large number of radioactive isotopes are known, most of them very unstable.

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Commercial production and uses

Bismuth is volatile at high temperature, but it usually remains with the other metals after smelting operations. Electrolytic refining of copper leaves bismuth behind as one component of the anode sludge. Separation of bismuth from lead by the Betterton–Kroll process involves the formation of high-melting calcium or magnesium bismuthide (Ca3Bi2 or Mg3Bi2), which separates and can be skimmed off as dross. The dross may be chlorinated to remove the magnesium or calcium, and finally the entrained lead. Treatment with sodium hydroxide then produces highly pure bismuth. An alternative separation, the Betts process, involves electrolytic refining of lead bullion (containing bismuth and other impurities) in a solution of lead fluosilicate and free fluosilicic acid, bismuth being recovered from the anode sludge. Separation of bismuth from its oxide or carbonate ores can be effected by leaching with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Dilution then precipitates the oxychloride, BiOCl. This, on heating with lime and charcoal, produces metallic bismuth.

Metallic bismuth is used principally in alloys, to many of which it imparts its own special properties of low melting point and expansion on solidification (like water and antimony). Bismuth is thus a useful component of type-metal alloys, which make neat, clean castings; and it is an important ingredient of low-melting alloys, called fusible alloys, which have a large variety of applications, especially in fire-detection equipment. A bismuth–manganese alloy has been found effective as a permanent magnet. Small concentrations of bismuth improve the machinability of aluminum, steel, stainless steels, and other alloys and suppress the separation of graphite from malleablecast iron. Thermoelectric devices for refrigeration make use of bismuth telluride, Bi2Te3, and bismuth selenide, Bi2Se3. Liquid bismuth has been used as a fuel carrier and coolant in the generation of nuclear energy.

The principal chemical application of bismuth is in the form of bismuth phosphomolybdate (BiPMo12O40), which is an effective catalyst for the air oxidation of propylene and ammonia to acrylonitrile. The latter is used to make acrylic fibres, paints, and plastics. Pharmaceutical uses of bismuth have been practiced for centuries. It is effective in indigestion remedies and antisyphilitic drugs. Slightly soluble or insoluble salts are utilized in the treatment of wounds and gastric disorders and in outlining the alimentary tract during X-ray examination, and bismuth is sometimes injected in the form of finely divided metal, or as suspensions of its insoluble salts. Substantial quantities of the oxychloride, BiOCl, have been used to impart a pearlescent quality to lipstick, nail polish, and eye shadow.

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Nuclear Stability is a concept that helps to identify the stability of an isotope. The two main factors that determine nuclear stability are the neutron/proton ratio and the total number of nucleons in the nucleus.


A isotope is an element that has same atomic number but different atomic mass compared to the periodic table. Every element has a proton, neutron, and electron. The number of protons is equal to the atomic number, and the number of electrons is equal the protons, unless it is an ion. To determine the number of neutrons in an element you subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass of the element. Atomic mass is represented as ((A)) and atomic number is represented as ((Z)) and neutrons are represented as ((N)).

[A=N + Z label{1}]

The principal factor for determining whether a nucleus is stable is the neutron to proton ratio. Elements with ((Z<20)) are lighter and these elements' nuclei and have a ratio of 1:1 and prefer to have the same amount of protons and neutrons.

Example (PageIndex{1}): Carbon Isotopes

Carbon has three isotopes that scientists commonly used: ( ce{^12C}), ( ce{^13C}), ( ce{^14C}). What is the the number of neutron, protons, total nucleons and (N:Z) ratio for the ( ce{^12C}) nuclide?


For this specific isotope, there are 12 total nucleons ((A)). From the periodic table, we can see that (Z) for carbon (any of the isotopes) is 6, therefore (N=A-Z) (from Equation ref{1}):

[12-6=6 nonumber]

The N:P ratio therefore is 6:6 or a 1:1. In fact 99% of all carbon in the earth is this isotope.

Exercise (PageIndex{1}): Oxygen

Identify the number of neutron, protons, total nucleons and N:Z ratio in the ( ce{^12_8O}) nuclide?

Elements that have atomic numbers from 20 to 83 are heavy elements, therefore the ratio is different. The ratio is 1.5:1, the reason for this difference is because of the repulsive force between protons: the stronger the repulsion force, the more neutrons are needed to stabilize the nuclei.

Neutrons help to separate the protons from each other in a nucleus so that they do not feel as strong a repulsive force from other.

Isotope Stability

The graph of stable elements is commonly referred to as the Band (or Belt) of Stability. The graph consists of a y-axis labeled neutrons, an x-axis labeled protons, and a nuclei. At the higher end (upper right) of the band of stability lies the radionuclides that decay via alpha decay, below is positron emission or electron capture, above is beta emissions and elements beyond the atomic number of 83 are only unstable radioactive elements. Stable nuclei with atomic numbers up to about 20 have an neutron:proton ratio of about 1:1 (solid line).

The deviation from the (N:Z=1) line on the belt of stability originates from a non-unity (N:Z) ratio necessary for total stability of nuclei. That is, more neutrons are required to stabilize the repulsive forces from a fewer number of protons within a nucleus (i.e., (N>Z)).

The belt of stability makes it is easy to determine where the alpha decay, beta decay, and positron emission or electron capture occurs.

  • Alpha (alpha) Decay: Alpha decay is located at the top of the plotted line, because the alpha decay decreases the mass number of the element to keep the isotope stable. This is accomplished by emitting a alpha particle, which is just a helium ((ce{He})) nucleus. In this decay pathway, the unstable isotope's proton number (P) is decreased by 2 and its neutron ((N)) number is decreased by 2. The means that the nucleon number (A) decreases by 4 (Equation ref{1}).
  • Beta (beta^-) Decay: Beta (beta^-) decay accepts protons so it changes the amount of protons and neutrons. the number of protons increase by 1 and the neutron number decreases by 1. This pathway occurs in unstable nuclides that have too many neutrons lie above the band of stability (blue isotopes in Figure (PageIndex{1})).
  • Positron (beta^+) Decay: Positron (beta^+) emission and electron capture is when the isotope gains more neutrons. Positron emission and electron capture are below the band of stability because the ratio of the isotope has more protons than neutrons, think of it as there are too few protons for the amount of neutrons and that is why it is below the band of stability (yellow isotopes in Figure (PageIndex{1})).

As with all decay pathways, if the daughter nuclides are not on the Belt, then subsequent decay pathways will occur until the daughter nuclei are on the Belt.

Magic Numbers

The Octet Rule was formulated from the observation that atoms with eight valence electrons were especially stable (and common). A similar situation applies to nuclei regarding the number of neutron and proton numbers that generate stable (non-radioactive) isotopes. These 'magic numbers' are natural occurrences in isotopes that are particularly stable. Table 1 list of numbers of protons and neutrons; isotopes that have these numbers occurring in either the proton or neutron are stable. In some cases there the isotopes can consist of magic numbers for both protons and neutrons; these would be called double magic numbers. The double numbers only occur for isotopes that are heavier, because the repulsion of the forces between the protons. The magic numbers are:

  • proton: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 114
  • neutron: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126, 184

Also, there is the concept that isotopes consisting a combination of even-even, even-odd, odd-even, and odd-odd are all stable. There are more nuclides that have a combination of even-even than odd-odd. Just like there exist violations to the octet rule, many isotopes with no magic numbers of nucleons are stable.

Table (PageIndex{1}): Distribution of Stable and Unstable Isotopes based on Neutron and Proton Numbers
Proton number (Z)Neutron Number# of stable Isotopes



Although rare, four stable odd-odd nuclides exist: (ce{^2_1H}), (ce{^{6}_3Li}), (ce{^{10}_5B}), (ce{^{14}_7N})

Unstable or Stable

Here is a simple chart that can help you decide is an element is likely stable.

  • Calculate the total number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in the nuclide. If the number of nucleons is even, there is a good chance it is stable.
  • Are there a magic number of protons or neutrons? 2,8,20,28,50,82,114 (protons), 126 (neutrons), 184 (neutrons) are particularly stable in nuclei.
  • Calculate the N/Z ratio and use the belt of stability (Figure (PageIndex{1}):) to determine the best way to get from an unstable nucleus to a stable nucleus

Exercise (PageIndex{1})

Using the above chart state if this isotope is alpha-emitter, stable, or unstable:

  1. (ce{^{40}_{20}Ca})
  2. (ce{^{54}_{25}Mn})
  3. (ce{^{210}_{84}Po})

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Exercise (PageIndex{2})

If the isotope is located above the band of stability what type of radioactivity is it? what if it was below?


Based off the belt of stability:

  1. Stable, because this Ca isotope has 20 neutrons, which is on of the magic numbers
  2. Unstable, because there is an odd number (25 and 29) of protons and neutrons
  3. Alpha-emitter, because Z=84, which follows rule/step one on the chart

Exercise (PageIndex{3})

Carbon is stable

Power Atomic Number 83


Carbon is stable

Exercise (PageIndex{4})


Name one of the isotopes that consist of odd-odd combination in the nuclei?


Hydrogen-2, Lithium-6, Boron-10, nitrogen-14



Atomic Number Bismuth

  1. Olmsted III, John and Gregory M William. Chemistry Fourth Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc:NJ, 2006.
  2. Petrucci, Ralph H., William S. Harwood, F. Geoffrey Herring, Jeffry D Madura. General Chemistry. Pearson Education Inc: NJ, 2007.

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